Former New Zealand cricketer Chris Cairns is in hospital after having type a aortic dissection, pictured at the University of Canberra Hospital rehab facility.

Brendan Murphy Health Department secretary Brendan Murphy.

Coralie Wood at her home in Curtin.

US Ambassador Arthur Culvahouse Jr stands in front of his favourite painting 'The Lamoille River at Ten Bends' 1990 by Wolf Kahn in the United States Embassy in Canberra.

ACT Chief Health Officer Dr Kerryn Coleman.

Local writer Moira McAlister who has written her first book Izzy based on an ancestor's life, pictured at her home in Downer.

Owner David Slimings of Needs and Wishes in Braddon.

CEO of Woden Community Services Jenny Kitchin.

Dr Mel Deery at YourGP@Crace holding a COVID-19 test kit has seen an increase in COVID-19 testing in recent days as coronavirus cases spike in Melbourne.

Expert in gender equality associate professor Sue Williamson at UNSW Canberra.

High Commissioner of the Republic of Botswana to the Commonwealth of Australia Dorcas Makgato at the Botswana High Commission in Canberra.

Visual artist Katy Mutton at her Ainslie home has received the Arts Activites Funding Grant.

Lead investigator Dr Amber Leah is leading the first COVID-19 vaccine trials in Canberra.

Josh Glass at his home in Hawker, has been on JobSeeker for several years and is concerned about when the government will stop the COVID-19 benefits.

Artist Lucks spray paints a mural for Colin Lagos owner of Smoko in Fyshwick.

Designer Carolyn Greig at Trove Canberra in Dickson.

Canberra Royals captain Ben Johnston.

ANU students Isabella Howard, and William Jaggers frog watching at the Macgregor Wetlands.

Dave Rugendyke standing on a cleared plot of land in Cobargo, where his home was destroyed by bushfires at the start of the year.

Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia ACT President David True at the SSAA ACT Club firing range welcomes the increase in people taking up shooting in the ACT